How to tell your friends their Digital Fly is down

Digital Fly? Yep, we all have one. Ever stand on a stage and give a speech? Ever sit back down and realize your “fly” was down? Embarrassing, hey? But what happens if you had a friend who knew it was down…and they didn’t tell you? (Not cool.) And yet, we’ve all had this experience, right?…
My top 10 Learns from the past 12 months

We did it. 1 year and 45 Episodes Later! About a year ago, my friend Jared Easley challenged me to start a podcast. It’s something I wanted to do, but I kept putting off. The usual excuses held me back: lack of time, expertise, technology, etc. One day I finally woke up and realized I…
I know something about your Enemy

Your Enemy doesn’t care about you. It simply wants you stopped and silenced. Your progress is threatening and so in retaliation, it fires both barrels, trying to keep you down and shut you up. How do I know? Every time I’m about to share an important message via talk, book, or event, it shows up.…
3 reasons why launching your book with a bigger brand is a better strategy—The Shawshank Story

This post is written with authors/books in mind. However, it’s relevant for a launch of any kind (an idea, business, church, non-profit, product, etc.) I had to learn the hard way that launching with a bigger brand is a much better strategy. In this post, I tell you WHY we partnered with the Shawshank Redemption 20th…
6 warning signs you might be a candidate for Karōshi (death caused by your day job)

I remember hearing the term a few weeks ago. On the phone for a radio interview, Katie—the competent woman on the other line—asked me my motivation for writing Day Job to Dream Job. Without pausing, I said with complete sincerity: “Because day jobs kill people.” I waited for her response. Rather than the typical…
I’m throwing a free DREAM JOB PARTY for you. Meet your DREAM JOB mentors.

Are you stuck in your Day Job? For those already in the Tribe, greetings. If we just met, my name is Kary Oberbrunner and I went from day job to dream job. Call me crazy, but I think you can do the same. I believe it’s possible for you to turn your passion into a full-time gig. Odds are…