The Surefire 61 Second Strategy™ for finding the best clients, friends, and partners
The 1 Problem Like you, I meet a lot of people. And like you I get a lot of requests for potential partnerships and clients. So how do you filter the good from the bad? Which ones should you pursue and which ones should you park? Which ones will be a delight and which ones…
Why Buying An Olympic Gold Medal on ebay For $19,000 Won’t Help You Achieve Your Dreams in 2014
The purpose of your dream is not in achieving the dream itself, but rather the person you become in the process of achieving it. (Tweet This | Share on Facebook | Post on LinkedIn) All that Glitters is NOT Gold. For $18,995 and one click it could be yours on ebay—that is, if your dream is to have an Olympic…
10 Giants You’ll Have to Kill To Do Your Dream Job Full-Time
You probably don’t recognize your own talent. This was almost true for my friend Julie. A brilliant photographer, for too long she only considered it a part-time passion. Although unwilling to admit it, she secretly fantasized about one day being paid for her talent. Despite her desire, she didn’t want to put herself out there and…
3 entrepreneurial skills I learned from the thief who stole my iPhone last week
YEP. It happened to me. The other day I was hanging out with my kids at COSI. We had a blast watching some train movie—Rocky Mountain Express . The theater was dark and my daughter was a little squirrely. My iPhone must have fallen out on the floor. When the movie was over we grabbed our…
3 Reasons Why the Biggest Winners are the Best Quitters
Check out super successful people sometime. When you do, you’ll notice a common trait. The biggest winners are the best quitters. (Tweet This or Share on Facebook) Successful people are seldom “well rounded.” In fact, that’s what makes them successful. Rather then doing many things halfway, they do one thing well. Nothing shocking yet—until you realize…
Get busy living or get busy dying. YOUR CHOICE.
Face it. Most people are dead. When’s the last time you’ve felt truly alive? For many people, it’s been years. They gave up on their dream along time ago. As a result, they’re only going though the motions. Much like “Red” in The Shawshank Redemption they no longer have any use for HOPE. Honestly, it’s…
3 strategies for selling out your next event and exceeding expectations in the process
Events require more effort than you think Every time you decide to do an event, take a deep breath and say a silent prayer (Tweet this or Share on Facebook). My business partner and I know how much work it takes to pull off a successful event. (This is why I often attend events instead…
I fell on the road today. 6 quick takeaways I learned while in the ditch.
Launching your Dream Job is a Like Running in the Dark Ok. That’s a gross picture. So here’s the quick story: I ran on the road in the dark this morning and fell. Pretty stupid. Nonetheless, I thought I’d share 6 quick takeaways. I realized how launching your dream job is a little like running in the…
15 Reasons Why you Need Margins in your Life
Margins Create Space for… Laughter: You can’t laugh if everything is serious. Generosity: You can’t give if you have nothing left. Memories: You can’t remember if you weren’t present. Prayer: You can’t pray if you’re self-sufficient. Dreams: You can’t dream if you can’t imagine. Love: You can’t love if you’re self-absorbed. Exercise: You can’t exercise…
October 16 is National Boss’s Day—Celebrate by Quitting Your Job!
Start Seeing Yourself As a Freelancer You should become, what I call, a Functional Freelancer™. Doesn’t matter if you’re “traditionally employed” as a long-term contractor or not. Take a quick peek at the differences: Seeing yourself as anything other than a Functional Freelancer creates prison-like conditions (Tweet This or Share on Facebook). The way you see…