3 Reasons Why the Biggest Winners are the Best Quitters
Check out super successful people sometime. When you do, you’ll notice a common trait. The biggest winners are the best quitters. (Tweet This or Share on Facebook) Successful people are seldom “well rounded.” In fact, that’s what makes them successful. Rather then doing many things halfway, they do one thing well. Nothing shocking yet—until you realize…
3 strategies for selling out your next event and exceeding expectations in the process
Events require more effort than you think Every time you decide to do an event, take a deep breath and say a silent prayer (Tweet this or Share on Facebook). My business partner and I know how much work it takes to pull off a successful event. (This is why I often attend events instead…
SHOW UP FILLED UP. A secret strategy for launching your Dream Job
You might be asking how to launch your Dream Job. I want to share what’s worked for me. A word of WARNING: the content is unconventional. Before you dismiss it, I encourage you to try it. Go ahead and start small. Experiment and see how it feels. I think you’ll enjoy the results. This one is about…