5 tips for your next FIRESTORM. How I prepare during conference week.

Around my house this week it’s a little bit stressful.  A few times a year we do conferences (Igniting Souls Conference) and other live events (Dream Job Bootcamp Shawshank Edition). Although they’re life-giving and transformational, they produce stress. There’s no way around it. Stress often gets a bad reputation. However, experts and research reveals that stress…

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Why Imposters are hardwired NOT to succeed

 Success doesn’t ruin you, it reveals you.  I’ll go first and take off my mask. Early in my professional career I was an imposter. I share that story below or on my internationally syndicated television confession (crazy huh?) BUT first, here’s something else I know. Odds are you’ve felt like an imposter. (Studies reveal about 70% of us…

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Great Message + Poor Platform = Bad Experience

  Great ideas are no longer enough. Without a platform—something that enables you to get seen and heard—you don’t have a chance. —Michael Hyatt Talent Is No Longer Enough On a January morning, a musical genius stood in a metro station in Washington, DC, and started to play the violin. The violin he used cost 3.5…

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You are a soul and you have a story

Sometimes stories cry out to be told in such loud voices that you write them just to shut them up. —Stephen King You think in stories, and so do I. From the earliest of times, we’ve retold our history through the spoken word, not the written one. Born into a story, you’re naturally an expert…

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A Sneak Peek into One of My Top Business Building Strategies of 2013

Prepare for Pay Day My business partner (David Branderhorst) and I sold more on November 8, 2013 than any other day in our calendar year.  In fact, it was the single highest grossing day in the history of our business. If you would have told me this a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed you.…

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