3 reasons why launching your book with a bigger brand is a better strategy—The Shawshank Story

This post is written with authors/books in mind. However, it’s relevant for a launch of any kind (an idea, business, church, non-profit, product, etc.) I had to learn the hard way that launching with a bigger brand is a much better strategy. In this post, I tell you WHY we partnered with the Shawshank Redemption 20th…
6 warning signs you might be a candidate for Karōshi (death caused by your day job)

I remember hearing the term a few weeks ago. On the phone for a radio interview, Katie—the competent woman on the other line—asked me my motivation for writing Day Job to Dream Job. Without pausing, I said with complete sincerity: “Because day jobs kill people.” I waited for her response. Rather than the typical…