You have a desire to ignite souls by helping people go pro with their passion, leaping from day job to dream job. Could you actually turn this into a speaking, coaching, and training business?
The answer is...


Our certified Dream Job Coaches are fully resourced to speak, coach, and train on this life-changing content. You literally help people escape the prison of their day job by helping them craft their Dream Jobber Plan.

Imagine being used to literally ignite souls. It’s a humbling experience and yet as a Dream Job Coach, it’s a common experience too.

Get Started Now

The World Needs Dream Job Coaches

86% of the Population Feels Stuck in their Day Jobs

Millions of people are squandering their talents and wasting their time in jobs they don't love. They feel trapped and dissatisfied, afraid to risk their financial security to pursue their dreams.

Although it's easy to turn a blind eye, statistics prove it's often a life and death situation for many:

  • STRESS = 70% of American workers experience stress-related illnesses.
  • BURN-OUT = 34% think they will burn out on the job in the next two years.
  • HEART ATTACKS = The Los Angeles Times reports that there is a 33 percent increase in heart attacks on Monday mornings.
  • INJURY = Entrepreneur magazine adds that there is a 25 percent increase in work-related injuries on Mondays.
  • DEATH = According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people die at nine o’clock Monday morning than at any other time of day or any other day of the week.
  • SUICIDE = Male suicides are highest on Sunday nights, with men realizing that their careers—and possibly their finances as well—are not where they want them.
* Research from 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.

Day Job to Dream Job is a Life-Changing Message

Imagine being used to literally change someone’s life. It’s a humbling experience and yet as a Dream Job certified coach, speaker, and trainer, it’s a common experience. Although we receive thousands of responses from participants after we share this powerful message, below are a couple of my favorites.

In August 2015, I received a cry for help—from a stranger named Steve—in the form of an email. He told me he was stuck in his day job. Later, I found out his day job was killing him—literally.

I immediately connected Steve to the Dream Job Bootcamp course materials. This content equips all our certified Dream Job Coaches with the ability to map out a Dream Jobber Plan with their clients.

Steve took the process seriously because—in his mind—so much was at stake. After decades and decades in his day job he knew it was critical to create a smooth transition into his dream job.

In October 2015, I coached Steve for several hours and together we came up with a clear action plan. For the first time in a long time, Steve had hope. A couple weeks later he sent me this message:

Thanks for the coaching last week. It provided the clarity I needed to move toward my dream job. Your questions and examples, especially the clip from Tommy and the Warden had a powerful impact on me. Also, the aspect of "stop fighting for what I don't want." 

Today was the first day in a month that I have not taken aspirin for a tension headache. Tomorrow is the "State of the Department" meeting. I will watch from a distance as I've crawled out of the sewer pipe. Thank you so much for helping me to get busy living and pursue my dream.

Help People Go Pro With Their Passion

On January 14, 2016 Steve "crawled out of the sewer pipe" for good. (Shawshank  Redemption reference). On his first official day of freedom I asked him to come speak to some of my clients. The video below was shot moments after he stepped off stage.

I received the email below about a week later. I knew my friend found the freedom he was looking for. As his Dream Job Coach, I was honored and humbled.

After our clients went through The Dream Job Bootcamp content and experienced significant life-change, many of them asked us to be certified so they could speak, coach, and train on the content too. We responded to their request by creating The Dream Job Coaches program. All Team members maintain their own business and branding. Yet, they're able to utilize our "business-in-a-box" resources to increase their influence, impact, and income.

Just a few of our Dream Job Coaches.

Ideal Dream Job Audiences and Venues

Our team members have shared this message on different continents to audiences ranging from 16 to 86 year-olds. We’ve taught it to individuals, businesses, organizations, schools, churches, retreat centers, private practices, sports teams, and colleges to name a few. The message integrates perfectly within a variety of venues: seminars, workshops, conferences, intensives, weekly studies, and on-line.

Man or woman, senior or young adult, every person has wrestled with the reality of not "knowing what they want to be when they grow up." We all need to discover our direction in life—and when we do can finally "get busy living."

"I guess it comes down to a simple choice really. Get busy living or get busy dying."

—Red, from Shawshank Redemption
Played by Morgan Freeman

Our Team is Designed around Clarity and Simplicity...

Becoming a Dream Job Coach is right for you if:

  • You would like to get paid to speak, coach, and train.
  • You enjoy facilitating life-change in small and/or large groups.
  • You want effective and efficient "tools" for your professional "toolbox."
  • You will benefit from resources already "proven in the field."
  • You see the value of expanding your influence, impact, and income.
  • You are excited about a business where you will be your own boss.
  • You desire to be connected to a global team world changers.
Get Started Now

Get Paid to Facilitate your Own Dream Job Bootcamps

Dream Job Bootcamp is comprised of 10 video modules, coaching sessions, and a 300+ page Dream Jobber © Guidebook. Each module contains curriculum, templates, and strategic exercises.

We provide you with all the content, resources, and instruction you need to lead your own Dream Job Bootcamps effectively and efficiently. Upon completing their Dream Jobber Plan—your clients will have a roadmap to go from day job to dream job.

Here’s What’s Included in Dream Job Bootcamp

Module 01:

Design your Story

Your G.P.S. (Guru Positioning Story) dictates your destination

  • Discover how to position your unique story in the marketplace.
  • Gain confidence in the value you bring to potential clients.
  • Overcome the internal and external obstacles holding you back.

Module 02:

Design your Space

Our experience reflects your values

  • Using the Space Circle, clarify the experience you'll create for your customers.
  • Explore case studies of value-based businesses and apply relevant ideas in your context.
  • Start small with a side-hustle and design your ideal space now.

Module 03:

Design your Service

Choose your solution, then your service style

  • You are the C.E.O. of a cool little company called Y.O.U.
  • You get paid to solve problems. Clarify the solution you're selling.
  • Determine your service style and align it with your personal brand.

Module 04:

Create your Platform

If you want to be heard, you must be seen

  • Discover today's most efficient and effective ways of marketing.
  • Go higher by using the Simple Platform Plan.
  • Being better means getting a stronger creator, cause, and community.

Module 05:

Create your Product

Products increase influence, impact, and income

  • Experience true freedom by creating streams of passive income.
  • Different products create different outcomes. Discover the true difference.
  • Take our tool tour will demystify the product creation process.

Module 06:

Create your Promotion

Market before you manufacture

  • The 10-Step Promotion Path shows you how to over-deliver the value.
  • A proven way to track transformation.
  • How to prepare for your clients before you get them.

Module 07:

Maintain your Community

Every dream needs a team

  • How to find fans, freelancers, friends, and funders.
  • A proven plan for creating your personal advisory board.
  • Keys to determine between the givers and the takers.

Module 08:

Maintain your Clarity

Complexity kills clarity

  • A proven path that leads you: clarity => competence => confidence => influence => impact => income.
  • A framework for staying centered and confident rather than unbalanced and arrogant.
  • How to maintain simplicity in your business model.

Module 09:

Maintain your Credibility

Success is found in singularity

  • Establish credibility and instill confidence in your clients.
  • How to cut through noise and distractions.
  • An effective manifesto that magnifies your message.

Module 10:


A place with no memory

  • The need for adjusting your Dream Jobber plan.
  • 5 signs it's time to leave your day job for good.
  • How to manifest victories day in and day out.

Our Certified Coaches can Resell & Bundle Digital Dream
Job Bootcamps
 with their own Coaching Packages 

When we say easy, we mean it! As a certified Dream Job Coach you're able to bundle Dream Job Bootcamp with your own Live Coaching packages. We provide our certified Team members the Digital Bootcamp at the deep discount of $200 off. This means for just $97 your clients* receive all the benefits of the Digital Bootcamp (10 video modules, the Dream Job Bootcamp Guide, 5 recorded calls, etc.).

Team members can bundle the Digital Bootcamp with their own Live Coaching services. We suggest pricing your own Group Coaching anywhere from $297-$497 per 10-module Dream Job Bootcamp and pricing your own 1-on-1 Coaching Services at $97-$497 per hour. Remember you keep 100% of your profits for your Coaching Services.

 * "Your clients" means people NOT already in Igniting Souls Tribe or Kary's clients. We can only offer this special Digital Bootcamp deep discount to you as a certified Team member.

Here's a sample breakdown of your potential profit for just one Dream Job Bootcamp.

$497 per member x 10 members = $4997

- $997 (10 Digital Bootcamp Licenses)


Your Profit = $3997 for leading just one Dream Job Bootcamp

Remember, this is your profit for every single Dream Job Bootcamp you lead for the rest of your life. This doesn't even include the 1-on-1 coaching, speaking, and training you do. Our Dream Job Coaches quickly realize that after just one Bootcamp, client, training or speaking gig, the Team already pays for itself and then some!

Save Time and Money

Creating your own speaking, coaching, and training resources can be a cumbersome process for many people. It often require bundles of time and money to shape these tools into perfection. That's why joining our Dream Job Coaches is a no-brainer because it removes all the guesswork.

Why reinvent the wheel when you can already use our proven path?

Get Started Now

Dream Job Coaches receive an online portal to strategic tools, curriculum, templates, videos, coaching calls, and marketing materials.  Each Team member also has daily access to Kary Oberbrunner through a private coaching community and lifetime access to the community and the content.

Here’s an overview of Dream Job deliverables for our Coaches:

Coaching Training

Experience a Dream Job Bootcamp

Master-Level Coach, Kary Oberbrunner gives you a front row seat in a 10-module Dream Job Bootcamp with real clients asking real questions.

  • Gain clarity experiencing the content in real-time
  • Gain competence developing your own coaching skills
  • Gain confidence building your own Dream Job cliental

Skills Training

Private Recorded Team Calls

Over 100 hours of recorded Q and A calls with Day Job to Dream Job author and coach Kary Oberbrunner.

  • Build a successful business through a clear buyer's journey
  • Create your first Dream Job live event, Bootcamp, and speaking gig
  • Establish an effective personal advisory board

Marketing Training

Tools, Templates, Tactics

Benefit from our toolbox full of tactics already created for you.

  • Promotional calls teaching you how to feature Dream Job content
  • Digital web banners and logos for simple social media sharing
  • A front row seat at a Dream Job webinar with a clear call to action

Leadership Training

Grow your business by growing yourself

The fastest way to grow your business is to grow your own leadership skills.

  • Over 14 hours of practical leadership lessons you can implement today
  • How to build an enduring enterprise that produces true value
  • My favorite leadership hacks to save you time and headaches

Speaking Training

20 Dream Job talks on 20 different shows

Speak on stage with clarity, competence, & confidence by listening & learning

  • Learn how to share the Dream Job message with businesses, non-profits, ministries, and entrepreneurs
  • How to create a call to action at the end of your talk with integrity and clarity
  • Downloadable Dream Job powerpoint slide show


Look the professional part

Whether you're just starting your business or you've already been in business
for a while, rest easy because we'll hook you up in style.

  • Receive a customized email: yourname@dayjobtodreamjob.com
  • We'll feature your headshot, bio, and business on our website
  • Benefit from our traffic with links back to your website and social media

Dream Job Coach Bonuses

Bonus 01:

Private Coaching Group

A community and coach dedicated to personal and professional success.

  • Lifetime membership.
  • Access to Kary's input and advice.
  • A no “nonsense” global community committed to action and accountability.

Bonus 02:

E-Book Publishing System

Step-by-step system to publish and sell your ebook on Amazon.com

  • Leverage benefits from selling your book thru the largest online retailer.
  • Publish it the right way the first time.
  • Amplify your message. Build your platform. Grow your tribe.

Bonus 03:

Dream Job Bootcamp Digital Discount

Ability to sell licenses for the Digital Dream Job Bootcamp at a deep discount.

  • Bundle the Digital Dream Job Bootcamp with your own coaching packages
  • Focus on the coaching and let us do the technology
  • Over-deliver the value by providing your clients with the Digital Dream Job Bootcamp experience

*Fast Action Bonus:

30 Day Membership to
Business Academy Elite

There’s a myth that knowledge is power, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Without the right use of knowledge you’re left helpless and hopeless. Business Academy Elite bridges this gap.

  • Imagine a video library of top business experts teaching you their best secrets.
  • Imagine weekly coaching calls providing personalized support to your unique situation.
  • Imagine getting exactly the support you need to succeed in building your online business.

Approved Applicants Qualify for These Limited Spots

At Igniting Souls we open up a limited amount of spots for new Team members a few times per year.
Potential Team members must apply and be accepted.

Secure Order Form: Your Order is 100% Safe & Secure

Choose your payment option below:

One Time Payment of $997

~ Or ~

3 Monthly Payments of $367

~ Or ~

6 Monthly Payments of $197

Your bio and headshot website listing and your team branded email are not issued until Team membership is paid in full.

Don't Try to Change the World all Alone.
Join our Team and We'll Do It Together.

Each Team member is given worldwide certification to speak, coach, and train on the content. Each Team member is considered an Independent Speaker, Coach, and Trainer. They are not employees of Redeem the Day, LLC or Igniting Souls, Inc. Although we support our Team members, each Team member is fully responsible for his or her own clients, processes, and polices. Redeem the Day, LLC and Igniting Souls, Inc. are not liable for Team member’s actions nor are we compensated for Team member’s profits.