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Have you ever wondered if you can have:
FREEDOM—to go as you please?
FINANCES—to earn as you wish?
FULFILLMENT—to live as you like?
The answer is...
You can make the leap from day job to dream job by following the right process.
Dream Job Bootcamp helps you turn your passion into a full-time gig.

For years I felt half-alive in my day job
Although it was difficult to admit, being half-alive is also half-dead. Don't get me wrong, my day job wasn't bad. I enjoyed my colleagues and the people I served, but I knew I had more in me. Although I knew this for a while, I settled for "settling," pushing down the angst, and telling myself this is "just how life is."
With each additional responsibility (kid's schooling, health insurance, mortgage payment, car payment, etc. ) I felt a a new bar erected, one that kept me captive from my creativity and imprisoned me from my potential. I simply put on a plastic smile, wearing a convincing mask—like the one in the picture on the right. But in private moments, I still hoped for another way and dreamed of another world.

The Shawshank Redemption mirrored the way I felt inside
One night while still in my day job, I watched The Shawshank Redemption. Although I had seen the movie before, that night I viewed it with new eyes.
I realized, just like the inmates in Shawshank Prison, I was becoming institutionalized. I needed to go from:
I knew something had to change...and fast. And so I created a plan to that lead me to freedom, finances, and fulfillment (even with a wife and 3 kids).

My Dream Job became my reality—literally!
After following my 9-step Dream Jobber plan, I went pro with my passion—Igniting Souls. I made a smooth transition from day job to dream job and the influence, impact, and income has increased exponentially. Looking back I wondered why I waited so long.

Just a few of our clients at a recent event. We have thousands more.

At Shawshank with some of our clients, teaching them how to go pro with their passion.

Today I do my dream job full-time—Igniting Souls.

Instead of a part-time hobby—writing, coaching & speaking became a full-time passion.
Chances are, you're stuck in your day job too
Millions of people are squandering their talents and wasting their time in jobs they don't love. They feel trapped and dissatisfied, afraid to risk their financial security to pursue their dreams.

Although it's easy to turn a blind eye, statistics prove it's often a life and death situation for many:
- STRESS = 70% of American workers experience stress-related illnesses.
- BURN-OUT = 34% think they will burn out on the job in the next two years.
- HEART ATTACKS = The Los Angeles Times reports that there is a 33 percent increase in heart attacks on Monday mornings.
- INJURY = Entrepreneur magazine adds that there is a 25 percent increase in work-related injuries on Mondays.
- DEATH = According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people die at nine o’clock Monday morning than at any other time of day or any other day of the week.
- SUICIDE = Male suicides are highest on Sunday nights, with men realizing that their careers—and possibly their finances as well—are not where they want them.
* Research from 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.
People asked me to show them the way to their Dream Job
Once you're a Soul on Fire you tend to stick out. People began asking me to show them how to go from Day Job to Dream Job. As a result, I wrote Day Job to Dream Job and created Dream Job Bootcamp.

In August 2015, I received a cry for help—from a stranger named Steve—in the form of an email. He told me he was stuck in his day job. Later, I found out his day job was killing him—literally.

I immediately connected Steve to the Dream Job Bootcamp course materials. This content equips all our certified Dream Job Coaches with the ability to map out a Dream Jobber Plan with their clients.
Steve took the process seriously because—in his mind—so much was at stake. After decades and decades in his day job he knew it was critical to create a smooth transition into his dream job.

In October 2015, Steve came up with a clear action plan. For the first time in a long time, he had hope. A couple weeks later he sent me this message:
Thanks for the coaching last week. It provided the clarity I needed to move toward my dream job. Your questions and examples, especially the clip from Tommy and the Warden had a powerful impact on me. Also, the aspect of "stop fighting for what I don't want."
Today was the first day in a month that I have not taken aspirin for a tension headache. Tomorrow is the "State of the Department" meeting. I will watch from a distance as I've crawled out of the sewer pipe. Thank you so much for helping me to get busy living and pursue my dream.
I can help you like I helped Steve and thousands of others
On January 14, 2016 Steve "crawled out of the sewer pipe" for good. (Shawshank Redemption reference). On his first official day of freedom I asked him to come speak to some of my clients. The video below was shot moments after he stepped off stage.
I received the email below about a week later. I knew my friend found the freedom he was looking for. As his Dream Job Coach, I was honored and humbled.

Don’t go thru another day feeling imprisoned and hopeless
The truth is you spend a large portion of your life at work. And even when you're not physically at your day job, many people carry their stress and frustration around with them in their "off-time." Why spend your best years feeling imprisoned?
"I guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying."
—The Shawshank Redemption
Dream Job Bootcamp is a step-by-step process to help you turn your passion into a full-time gig.
This 100% online learning experience is right for you if:

- You want to go from your day job to dream job.
- You desire a step-by-step process that's both efficient and effective.
- You don’t want to waste time and money making costly mistakes.
- You would benefit from being connected to a coach and community dedicated to your personal and professional success.
- You need the clearest, most direct path that’s also designed for busy people without much margin in their lives.
Meet your Dream Job Bootcamp Guide: Kary Oberbrunner
I help individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they are here, and where they should invest their time and energy. I’m the author of 6 traditionally published books and I've helped thousands of people discover their passion and purpose. In Dream Job Bootcamp, through 10 modules, I show you exactly how to craft your Dream Jobber Plan. Each module includes content forged from over a dozen years in the industry. I've earned a Master's degree with an emphasis in Counseling and a Doctorate degree in Transformational Leadership. I integrate my deep mastery of ultimate human potential, productivity, and performance in each module. Don’t stress though. I present this rich content in a simple, straightforward style so everybody can understand.

Feature interview on the internationally syndicated 700 CLUB, one of the longest running television programs in broadcast history.

Speaking on leadership and igniting souls to over 100 nations.
I can help you propel your passion
I've heard every excuse in the world. And I'm convinced if you want to look for obstacles, you'll find them every time. But I also believe if you're committed to go from PRISON to PLAN to PAYOFF, you can make the leap from day job to dream job.
How can I be so sure?
Because I've helped thousands of people achieve their dreams. Through Dream Job Bootcamp they've identified what they truly desire AND then they went out and created it. Some of my clients have: started businesses, charities, and causes. Others have earned degrees, certifications, and promotions. Others have left toxic jobs, relationships, and beliefs. Still others have created art, music, and books. Below are a few of my clients:

What other industry leaders say about me:

John Lee Dumas
Entrepreneur on Fire,
a top ranked
business podcast.
Won best of iTunes.
"Kary is one of the leading authorities..."

Dan Miller
New York Times
bestselling author
of 48 Days to
the Work You Love.
"Kary's event was a magnificent event that's beyond description."

Brian Tracy Success Expert and Bestselling AuthorDay Job to Dream Job is a timely solution to today’s shifting employment options. Kary’s proven path gives you the tools you need to launch your dream job.

Mark Sanborn Award winning speaker and bestselling author of The Fred Factor and You Don't Need a Title to be a LeaderKary reveals a powerful and compelling response—how NOW could be the best time to leave your day job and launch your dream job. Read this book, apply these 9 steps, and you’ll see how your own dream job is within reach.

Chris Guillebeau New York Times Bestselling Author of The $100 StartupWith clear and concise insight, Kary offers a road map that clearly guides your direction towards your dream. If you're one of the 86 percent unhappy with your current job, this book is the perfect place to start making changes.

Here’s What’s Included
The Dream Job Bootcamp online learning experience takes place through 10 video modules, 5 recorded coaching calls, and a 300+ Dream Jobber © Guidebook. Each module contains curriculum, templates, and strategic exercises.
Through these 10 modules you will craft your Dream Jobber Plan—a map to go from day job to dream job. You will also have daily access to me through a private coaching community and lifetime access to the content.
Here’s an overview of the 10 modules and 2 bonuses:
Module 01:
Design your Story
Your G.P.S. (Guru Positioning Story) dictates your destination
- Discover how to position your unique story in the marketplace.
- Gain confidence in the value you bring to potential clients.
- Overcome the internal and external obstacles holding you back.

Module 02:
Design your Space
Our experience reflects your values
- Using the Space Circle, clarify the experience you'll create for your customers.
- Explore case studies of value-based businesses and apply relevant ideas in your context.
- Start small with a side-hustle and design your ideal space now.

Module 03:
Design your Service
Choose your solution, then your service style
- You are the C.E.O. of a cool little company called Y.O.U.
- You get paid to solve problems. Clarify the solution you're selling.
- Determine your service style and align it with your personal brand.

Module 04:
Create your Platform
If you want to be heard, you must be seen
- Discover today's most efficient and effective ways of marketing.
- Go higher by using the Simple Platform Plan.
- Being better means getting a stronger creator, cause, and community.

Module 05:
Create your Product
Products increase influence, impact, and income
- Experience true freedom by creating streams of passive income.
- Different products create different outcomes. Discover the true difference.
- Take our tool tour will demystify the product creation process.

Module 06:
Create your Promotion
Market before you manufacture
- The 10-Step Promotion Path shows you how to over-deliver the value.
- A proven way to track transformation.
- How to prepare for your clients before you get them.

Module 07:
Maintain your Community
Every dream needs a team
- How to find fans, freelancers, friends, and funders.
- A proven plan for creating your personal advisory board.
- Keys to determine between the givers and the takers.

Module 08:
Maintain your Clarity
Complexity kills clarity
- A proven path that leads you: clarity => competence => confidence => influence => impact => income.
- A framework for staying centered and confident rather than unbalanced and arrogant.
- How to maintain simplicity in your business model.

Module 09:
Maintain your Credibility
Success is found in singularity
- Establish credibility and instill confidence in your clients.
- How to cut through noise and distractions.
- An effective manifesto that magnifies your message.

Module 10:
A place with no memory
- The need for adjusting your Dream Jobber plan.
- 5 signs it's time to leave your day job for good.
- How to manifest victories day in and day out.
Dream Job Bootcamp Bonuses

Bonus 01:
Igniting Souls Manifesto
Stop sabotaging your own success
- Time to get unlocked and unstuck.
- You’ll never outperform your own self-image.
- Convert your courage into action.

Bonus 02:
E-Book Publishing System
Step-by-step system to publish and sell your ebook on
- Leverage benefits from selling your book thru the largest online retailer.
- Publish it the right way the first time.
- Amplify your message. Build your platform. Grow your tribe.

Regular Price - $297
Join today and save $100
To take advantage of this special promotion, join The Dream Job Bootcamp
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Don't stay a prisoner in your day job.
Dream Job Bootcamp will help you get busy living.
Dream Job Bootcamp will help you get busy living.