You probably don’t recognize your own talent.
This was almost true for my friend Julie.
A brilliant photographer, for too long she only considered it a part-time passion. Although unwilling to admit it, she secretly fantasized about one day being paid for her talent. Despite her desire, she didn’t want to put herself out there and risk rejection. Eventually, a friend of a friend contacted her through Facebook:
My friend told me you’re pretty good at taking photographs.
We can’t pay you much, but we have a few hundred dollars budgeted.
Can you snap a few pictures of us at our wedding?
Evidently, a professional photographer’s price tipped the scales and so they messaged Julie instead. Like a giddy little girl she thought aloud,
“A few hundred dollars? Someone’s going to actually pay me to do what I love?”
In a matter of moments she messaged back, attempting to shroud her enthusiasm with a little bit of professionalism:
Thanks for your inquiry.
I think I could make something work for that budget.
Let’s chat.
To the bride’s surprise and delight, Julie did much more than snap a few pictures. She over-delivered and captured the couple with a unique blend of creativity and authenticity. Superseding their expectations, word got out and Julie has since then raised her rates. Still priced well below the industry standard, Julie is beginning to learn what her clients already know.
She’s worth it.
Julie needed a little nudge, that’s all.
Short on self-belief, a simple Facebook message acknowledging her talent, pushed her over her insecurities. Julie’s self-limiting beliefs are more common than you’d think.
The bulk of us grow up conditioned to see a large chasm between what we love to do and what we get paid to do. (Tweet This or Share on Facebook).
We talk ourselves into believing our passion will always be unpaid labors of love.
For the small minority who break through these self-limiting beliefs and receive funds for our products and services, we often undercharge. We’ll fantasize about receiving a windfall through a hidden treasure, a lucky ticket, or an unexpected inheritance. But such income is for the most part undeserved.
Raising your rates as a result of intentionally increasing your value is much different. This type of modification flows from deeper issues. To put it frankly, most of us are uncomfortable with this type of internal exploration.
Raising your rates requires slaying some fairly big mental giants. These giants scare many of us right back into our day jobs. Take a peek.
Raising your Rates means Slaying these 10 Giants
- 1. Rejection—Dismissing your price doesn’t mean they’re dismissing you.
- 2. Justification—The need to prove your value puts you on the defense.
- 3. People-Pleasing—You can’t work with every client; nor should you.
- 4. Discounting—Why do the same amount of work for less pay?
- 5. Cheapness—High maintenance clients reveal themselves at the point of sale.
- 6. Ignorance—Clients are paying for your complete journey toward greatness.
- 7. Misunderstanding—Your rates reflect equipment, insurance, education, etc.
- 8. Haters—Unhealthy people exist and you’re bound to encounter some.
- 9. Criticism—Not everyone values expertise. Who cares?
- 10. Lies—Don’t stoop down to the negative self-talk inside your head.
Your pricing says way more about your self-image than your personal value. Of course, some professionals overcharge their clients, but most of us do the complete opposite. If your fees are too low, it’s very possible your self-image is too low.
QUESTION: Which giants take up your headspace? How long have they lived there?
(Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this post)
Wow! I find myself enjoying these post more and more as I am sitting on the edge of launching my business. They are SOOOOO timely. – Keith, P3 Maxx Business Solutions, LLC.
That’s why I write Keith. For people like you. Glad you are enjoying them. Please share with anyone who needs to hear.
Believe me Kary, U have been a very strong confirming voice from The Lord ( as my wife would confirm).
Awesome. There are many more good tools coming in 2014 Keith. Stay tuned.
I have always fought the Justification Giant; thinking that what I do and what I charge needs to be validated by an advanced degree. I now know that while an advanced degree is valuable, my personal experiences are priceless.
So true Mike. Education has its place, but many times the classroom is simply a place for us to hide from our own fears and self-limiting beliefs. True education often occurs within the context of experience.
A belated congrats! And GREAT list!
Thanks Mike. That means a lot coming from a guy of your caliber.