Tonight I’ll teach you how to launch your own book—FREE VIP CALL

Launching a book is kind of having a baby. Although, I’ve never had a baby, I’ve witnessed the process 3 times. Here’s what I know…launching a book and having a baby require 3 things:

  1. Team

  2. Tools

  3. Time

In a moment, I’ll tell you what I mean. But first I want to invite you to a very special live teaching call I am doing tonight. I’ll show you exactly how to launch your book.

My book Day Job to Dream Job releases today. This is the part everyone sees. What they don’t see is the fact that we have a launch team of about 150 people, 38 honest 5 star reviews on Amazon, over a dozen podcast interviews recorded, and much more.

Simply put, the launch started months ago.

Way too many authors pour their hearts and souls into writing a book only to see it sit on a shelf. Wise authors know it’s their responsibility to bring life to their book (i.e. their baby).

Click HERE to learn more about the FREE LIVE CALL I am doing tonight. I’m going to give you thousands of dollars worth of FREE content and years of lessons what NOT to do and what TO do during your launch.

I hope you can join me.

And now…here’s the official description for tonight:


On this special call, Kary will show us how a great book launch requires a great PLAN. Kary will pull back the curtain and teach on topics like: building a launch team, securing guest posts, planning launch parties, creating book launch toolkits, producing book trailers, and much more. Expect all things marketing—related to your book, including time for live Q and A.

Although writing and publishing a book is a tremendous accomplishment, the average US nonfiction book sells less than 250 copies in its lifetime. Kary has helped many authors surpass those numbers in the first few minutes of their book launch. Some of his authors have surpassed those numbers in the pre-order phase.

Expect a call chocked full of content

Everyone who signs up for this call will get Kary’s Dream Jobber Quick Start Product Check-list absolutely FREE. 

Read more below: 

*** Come learn behind the curtain ***

*** Discover secrets for your own future book and launch *** 

Watch the 5 minute video and learn more.

Trust me. Sometime in the near future you’re going to launch your own book, product, service, business, or cause. In the past two years, I’ve received countless emails asking me how we’ve done so many successful launches.

Rather than doing my DAY JOB TO DREAM JOB launch undercover, I’ve decided to pull back the curtain. Through a private facebook group, exclusive videos, personal emails, and special calls, I’ll show you the system we’ve created to successfully launch your own book, product, service, business, or cause.

In the future, we’ll sell this system to our select clients. However, for those that want a FRONT ROW SEAT all you need to do is order DAY JOB TO DREAM JOB. (You’ll need the book because we’ll reference the tools within it throughout the launch.)

Just send a copy of your receipt to: team@dayjobtodreamjob.comOnce you do, we’ll immediately add you to the private facebook group and the bonuses and benefits will start flowing your direction. 

If you, have questions…if you don’t know me or about book launches…or if you’re just plain curious before you join the VIP BOOK LAUNCH TEAM then register for this free call. I’ll explain all the details and answer any questions.

If you already know me, then you know I always OVER-DELIVER. You know I’m committed to exceeding your expectations. For these people, I’m sure you’ll order the book today and secure your spot on this VIP team.

If you’re curious what you’ll learn from the book, then read below:

SHORT DESCRIPTION – Millions of people are squandering their talents and wasting their time in jobs they don’t love. They feel trapped and dissatisfied, afraid to risk their financial security to pursue their dreams. But anyone can make the leap from day job to dream job–with the right amount of knowledge, encouragement, and guts. I will show you how to launch your dream job and experience the freedom to go as you please, earn as you wish, and live as you like.

Kary’s 9 proven steps will help you “jailbreak” from your day job without relying on an MBA, investors, or a lucky break. Discover how to:

  • overcome self-limiting beliefs that sabotage success
  • start lean and stay lean by ignoring conventional thinking
  • build a dream team of experts committed to your cause
  • carve out a niche and get noticed in a noisy world
  • market beforehand to create critical momentum
  • monetize your message to its full potential
  • achieve personal clarity, competence, and confidence
  • earn greater influence, impact, and income in the marketplace
Here’s a little peek how the content is already changing people’s lives: 



  • The PROMISE—June 9
  • The PRISON—July 8
  • The PRODUCT—July 22
  • The PLAN—August 5
  • The PAYOFF—August 17
  • The PARTY—August 21 (Details coming)

All calls go from 8-9:30 PM EST. Extended playback access is given to book launch team members only.